I am curious and enjoy figuring out the who, what, when, why, and how of things to understand behaviors and experiences and help people enjoy their lives. I am passionate about physical and digital projects, wayfinding, orienting, maps, environments, visual communication, and problem-solving.
My process starts with understanding and moves to learning before my team or I make a strategic or design recommendation based on research. Here is an outline of my process:
- Understanding – I started by having the team answer these fundamental questions.
- Why do we want to do this?
- What Goal do we want to achieve?
- What Outcome do we want to accomplish?
- What behavior do we want to encourage?
- What behavior do we want to change?
- How does this benefit our customers, and how will this make them feel afterward?
- Research
- Brainstorming
- Design
- Validate
- Feedback loop
This process has provided me and those I have worked for much success.